Twivortiare prescribed by Ika Natassa

The forth book of Ika Natassa (that I have), twivortiare was finished.  The book which has 360 pages is published by Gramedia. It is a metro pop novel. You know, metro pop is a novel which tells story about metropolitan people, so you can imagine how the novel is (right? If you can’t imagine, it is okay, the definition of metro pop novel that I said before is made by me, so it is okay if you still can’t imagine how the story of the novel is*don’t mind me :D)

The novel is really anti mainstream, why? Because all pages, all words and all story are tweets. So, the story is the tweets of the main character of the novel, Alexandra. Actually, the story is the continuity of Divortiare, after Ika natassa wrote the novel, she made an account twitter for the main character of the story, Alexandra. She tweeted using the account, and she said that many people think that the character really exist and real alive in this world. That’s why the title is twivortiare because all part of the novel is taken from tweeter and it consists of Alexandra’s tweets.

Alexandra is a banker, and Beno is a doctor, a heart surgeon. First of all, I want to tell you the previous story in the previous novel, Divortiare. In divortiare, Alexandra and Beno is an ex-spouse, because they separated in the middle of their marriage. The reason of the separation is because both of them is two busy to see each other. Then they decided to separate, but in the end of the novel, they see each other again.

The story of Alexandra and Beno continue in Twivortiare. They finally decided to remarry. The second of their marriage, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have any problem after their failure in their first marriage. Beno is still busy as heart surgeon, and so does Alexandra. But, at this time they can understand more. Tapi mereka masih sering bertengkar, karena hal kecil. Beno tidak ingin mengulangi kesalahannya yang dulu, dimana Alexandra merasa tidak diperhatikan olehnya karena Beno is very busy in hospital. So, Beno tries to give Alexandra more attention even he asks Alexandra to report all activities that Alexandra does. And Alexandra feels that Beno is too overprotective, and many problem in their marriage that make them have some fights but after that mereka baikan lagi. Pokoknya, isinya adalah mereka berantem baikan, berantem baikan lagi. Tapi, pengemasan cerita mereka yang berantem baikan berantem baikan itu dikemas dengan jalan cerita yang sangat baik dan lucu. Jadi, I feel that they are very romantic spouse. And, I like Beno’s stye, very much. He is so cool. How he shows his love to his wife is so so so so so cute and romantic. Oh iya, dalam novel ini, masalah terbesar mereka adalah, mereka sangat menginginkan kehadiran a baby, tapi belum berhasil juga. Dan kisah ini akan berlanjut di Twivortiare 2. (I’ve already had it :D), dan apakah mereka berhasi menghadirkan a baby in their life? Ya, I’ll tell you after I finish reading twivortiare 2 yaaa.. :D

If you want to know more, I recommend you to read this book. Selain menghadirkan kisah Alexandra beno dan kehidupan pernikahan mereka, ada hal yang sangat saya sukai dari karyanya ika natassa. Mostly, the novel is written in English, so I can learn English from this novel . Itu aja.

Novel metropop memang sering kali vulgar dalam menyajikan sebuah cerita cinta, tapi ika natassa tidak terlalu vulgar menurutku (dibandingkan yang lain). (ceileh gue) Vulgar disini yang gue maksud adalah cara menghadirkan cerita tentang sebuah hubungan lawan jenis. Ya, tau sendirilah gimana pergaulan dan kehidupan orang kota khususnya orang metropolitan, yang tentu saja sangat berbeda dengan kehidupan di daerah. Selain, novel ini bikin gue ngakak , gue juga bisa belajar culture. Culture tentang bagaimana kehidupan orang kota. Gue bisa tau barang-barang brandid dan segala hal yang belum pernah gue jumpai dan gue ketahui ya bisa tau. Setidaknya, kalau diajakin ngomong tau dikit lah, gak kuper-kuper banget. Meskipun gak ngalamin sendiri. Ya gak? Kalau gue sih gitu. Jadi gue baca semua jenis novel, karena gue yakin I can learn something from that. I can understand and know that there is Some other part of life that exist in this world which is very different with my life even sometime it is the opposite of my life.

Quote yang paling gue suka dari buku ini :

“I believe that if someone really loves you, they will do things to show that they care even when you’re not looking.”
“You should love inspite of, Not because of.”

@ayufialfarisi, Ambarawa, 13 Maret 2015


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