Don't know want to write in this blog, I just wanna write something.
However, you know that most of my words something useless, *funny my self.. 

I often feel green with envy with people who can write a simple things but the way of her/his writing has characteristic that reflex their characters. 

I often feel green with envy with people who reads a lots of book and then he/she can memorize a lots of words in the book just an instant. 

I often feel green with envy with people who travels to many beautiful places in the world, and they can tell many stories of their traveling. 

I often feel green with envy with people who climbs many mountains, and they take a picture on the top of the mountain,

I often feel green with envy with people who can classify coffee, then they can decide what kind of coffee that nice to be tasted. 

I often feel green with envy with people who have a lots of best friend whom can be people they share everythings with, laugh, cry, talking manythings...

REALLY REALLY green with envy...

But, when I think more and more again, I m just aware that there are people outside of my world who actullay green with envy with me. I don't know the reason why they feel envy with a person like me. 

But,the point is, we will always consider and think that other's grass are greener than ours. We will always see that others happy and seems have nice and beautiful life. And we feel that our life seem not that easier like theirs. We have to cut off the feeling, because when we always think like that, we will never feel happy, because that kind of feeling will kill a feeling that we call "bersyukur".
happy is simple, keep thanking to God for everything we have given, then, happy at the moment. 

Actually, there are two kinds of happiness in this world.

First, we realize that in the past, we were happy because of something. then, now, we have just realized it at the present. 

Second, we realize that at the present, we are happy..

I choose the second one, I choose to be happy at every moment I have, not every moment that I had before.  that's called "enjoy" the life. 

I remember nice words which is taken from Ika Natassa's book..

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wan't supposed to ever let us down, problably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break other's hearts. You'll fight with your best friends or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by.
So, take lots of pictures, laugh a lot, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarrantees, no time outs, no second chances. You just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend in need, fall asleep watching the sun, come up, stay up late, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, LIVE IN THE MOMENT because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back. 
Antalogi Rasa, Ika Natassa. 

SO, please, live in the moment, enjoy everything around you, and confront the life, ya ya ya, so when you remember that things get hard, remember, you have Allah who always help you in need, and He gives everything you ask. He knows better than us, knows the best for us. Keep believing, and keep strong, stay cool, and move ! move and move.. okay?

*okay lanjut doing final project
*sambil nyeruput kopi :D
Ambarawa, October 20th, 2014, 4 : 44 am 



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