After getting married

Anything changes?

Yes. Before getting married I never feel so obsessed to listening ustad or kajian or something like that. I thought I was bit lazy to improve my knowledge of my religion. I was not too interesting on such thing even though I still came when there was invitation for me to come. But I never felt like I really want to come and listen the material.

After getting married and moved to Jakarta my hubby always asked me to listen kajian in Sunda kelapa mosque every Sunday morning. I like that place in very first time I come there. I really enjoy listening the ustad who usually I only see on tv. And there is a reason why the ustad very famous, what he said was clear and understandable, easy to absorbe the material.

In short, I like listening kajian after that. I feel I was so foolish, there are a lot of things of islam that I dont know.

Now, I move to different place. I m not in jakarta anymore. Eventhought I can't come to listen any kajian directly, I still can listen radio that broadcast about islam. It is still relief.



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