No tittle midnight talk : building love

Hi midnight

it is me again. There is nothing special I want to tell you tonight.

I just find a way of happiness. I have just realized that writing make me happy. It release my tiring day, and become my secret escape.

A song says that love should be made or created or built by people. Building love is better than falling in love. Creating love makes the love has a meaning and goal. That is the song trying to tell.

I agree. As you know, recently I think I am trying to build love. I m trying to love cat. I hate cat and deadfully afraid of cat, but now I should take care three kitten. They are still baby. Someone kidnaped them from their mummy after they were born( I think), then threw them in front of our place. A motorcycle almost made them flash. They looked so terrible and they meow meow every time. I thought they were shocked, scared, and starving. So, I took them and placed them in a box. That was not my intention to take them. But I feel pity and they are a creature too.

I see they were almost died because they were hungry. So, I tried to feed them with my baby formula. It failed, because I was too afraid and felt disgusted with the baby kitten. Fortunately they stopped crying after I made them warm with the place that I made for them. After my honey went home, finally they were fed. 

Three days, we have them with us. Every time they are hungry, they meow meow. They make me stressed but my phobia start going away. 

I believe that every thing we do will return to us someday. Good deed will be paid something good too in the future. Meanwhile, bad deed will be paid too. 

I felt disgusted with cat, but I will never separate the baby kitten with their mum. I dont have a heart to kill them that way.  When you throw kitten which still need their mum to be alive, it means you are trying to kill them. Because baby kitten will be difficult to survive without their mum. So, when you feel disgusting with kitten, please wait untill the kitten are old enough to life with it owns feet. At least wait untill the kitten see and walk so they can search for food by themselve. They are also a creature that has a soul. Please be kind to them because that what God ask us to do. Moreover Prophet Muhammad tautght us to love cat. Yeah I am trying now.

In short, I am trying to love cat from now on. I know it is not easy, and even I can not chew my food whenever I remember the baby kitten which is still red and weak. But, hopefully I can really release my phobia.

Jakarta, midnight


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