The reflection of life

Have you ever imagined how was your life before you was born? We were alive about 5 months inside our mother's tummy. In our mother's womb we were alive for the very first step of life. At the time, do we able to imagine how the world is? And, after we were born in the world absolutely we also forgot the feeling of being alive in mother's womb.

What about 5 months ( why 5 months not 9 months? Because Allah writes our complete fate of our word life in the 4th month. Moreover, Allah gives us the soul) we were alive in form of fetus. 5 months is so fast right? So does, our life in this world is so fast. Because we never knew where we should go to the next step of life.

Well, live in this wolrd is the second step of our life. We also can not imagine how and when our life will end in this world. After we die, where will we go? Is it really the end of our life? Yes, it is the end of our life in the world but no, it is not the really end of our life. We just go to the next step of life. We will live in alam barzah. Can you imagine how the life will be? No, we can not imagine because we haven't experienced and see with own eyes. If we don't have strong faith, maybe we can't believe there is such life after we die. Naudzubillah.
But we as moslem must believe that.

After we die, we will not bring anything that we have now. Your mercy car, your house, your jewelry, everything you have in the wolrd will be left. Except your wealth that you used for sedekah. So, sometime I think that it will be useless if we give all our time to search for something that will be useless for us. People say that we have to think for our future. For me, By the meaning of future is our life in akhirat. why? Because the really life is there. This world is nothing than akhirat. Of course, we can not imagine, but Allah has clearly explained us about it in Alquran. Allah always warned us about the life of akhirat but some of us choose to close our eyes and ears.

Therefore, I in the age of 24 now, I think it is so fast. Fast or faster, we must go to the next life. It is a must and we can not prevent it. Prepare our self from now. Never worries with your need in this world as long as you do first for akhirat need.
We must not waste our time now, time flies so fast. We never know when the time. For the small thing such sholat, we must do it in time. Never postpone it, because actually our activities are just activity to spend our time while waiting the pray time. Left your work, stop your activity when you listen adzan. Then, get up for doing sholat. Because, working is not our main activity. Our main activity is do Allah order such sholat.

Wish, Allah will accept our worship.
Wish, Allah will guide us to the right path
Wish, Allah will always give us hidayah.
Because, there is no another grace except the grace of iman.


Jakarta, October 5th 2016


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