Life is a game, play it.

Life is like a game, it is fun and addictive. When we play a game. We may fail at the first. But, we feel like we want to play it again and again, until we can win the game. We never give up to play it again even we have failed many times. Because, we know that there is a way to win it. That’s why sometime we are addicted to play a game.

Such a game, life runs. Consider life is a game. It must be fun. We will find many problems in life. We consider it as a challenge and we must win it. Even we fail at the first, but we should keep trying. Sometime we feel life is so difficult because many hardship come into our life. But, consider it like the way to go the next level. Such a game. We must face it, and we must win it. When we will not go to the next level if we do not pass previous level. So, life must runs and problems must be solved.

We do not need to be afraid with the problem that come into our life. Just play it like we play a game. Actually, problem is a fuel of life. No problem means no life. There is no problem means the end of our life. So, problem and life are two things that can not be separated. We must fact the reality. Because, when we never give up we will feel the real champion. And we will win the game, and at the time, we will feel the ultimate happiness of our life. Because you never give up whatever happen. Even that, life is not only about to win the game, but the important thing is, play the game, and enjoy the game. So, just enjoy the game, enjoy this life.

‘And as we grow up, we learn that even the person that wasn’t supposed to ever let us down, probably will. We will have our broken heart and we will broke other’s heart too. Sometime, we feel we never can and think to give u. Sometime we feel angry and upset, but most of all we must LIVE in the moment because every second we spend angry and upset is a second of happiness that we can never get back’. #339mg

_Ayu Fitriyani_Nov 27, 2013


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