GOOD LIFE #menurutgue

Good Life is_ live happily
I believe that everyone in this world want to have a good life. Life is just once, so the life must be good. Why is there term “good life”? Because there must be “bad life” in this world. And I also believe that, actually, all life is good, because God never mean to give bad life to his creatures. Every life is good. So, why is there term ‘good life’, because actually there is no bad life in this world? So, the first thing that I want to tell you here is, GOD NEVER MEANS TO GIVE YOU BAD LIFE.
Well, Good life or bad life, it is the matter of choosing. Whether we want to have good life or bad life, it depends on ourselves whom face “the life” itself. In my point of view, good life is happy life or live happily. To have a good life, we must find “the happiness”. Because, for me, the ultimate purpose of human in this world is having happiness, and all people do in this world is for finding happiness. So then, to have a good life is how to find happiness.
Happiness cannot be reckoned by material. People who has everything which is materialistic, sometime do not find the happiness. He is rich, but every day, he just works and works without giving care around him, so he feels he is alone and can buy everything even he can buy a friend, but he does not feel happy, because he cannot buy happiness by money.
Sometime, the way people to find the happiness, grab other’s happiness. For example, corruption, the people who doing corruption has destroyed other’s happiness for making themselves happy. Even they have felt happy, But, It is not good life. What they get just temporary happy, after that they will be haunted by sins and will be ended by punishment. They will not BE happy anymore.
Having happy life doesn’t mean that we never felt sad. Sometimes we need to feel sad to able to feel happy, right? If we know how the sad feeling is, so we can feel the happy feeling. The important thing is, we feel sad because of some problems, and we also learn something there. Sometime that can lead us to be happy. I believe that.
So, what’s actually how to find happiness to create a good life? The answer is “creating” our own happy by keeping graceful to God. It seems too idealistic, but if you have a gratefulness every obstacles and everything that you have will give you happiness. The problem is, not all people in the world have a feeling of gratefulness. That’s why people sometime feel too difficult to find the happiness.
It seems theoretic, but you can do it. The simplest way to create our own happy, is “smile”. That small thing that means everything. The smile will help you to find happiness. Not because the day is beautiful so that you smile, but you smile and then the day will be beautiful. And, if you think that you cannot find the happiness around you, you have to be suspicious that you can be “the happiness” itself, you are created by God to be the reason of happiness around you. So, you do not have any reason to not feel happy because the happiness is yourself. So, just create you happy, just be happy, so your life is good life.

Semarang, 10102013


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